
save your skin foundation

Opdualag™ Submission Survey Results Data

In the realm of medical breakthroughs, understanding patient experiences is paramount. In this spirit, the Save Your Skin Foundation embarked on a pioneering initiative, delving into the world of melanoma treatment. The survey, titled “The Patient Experience of Nivolumab + Relatlimab (Opdualag™),” crafted meticulously by the foundation, was designed to fathom the depths of Opdualag™ as a treatment for adult cutaneous melanoma in stage III unresectable or stage IV melanoma.

Save Your Skin Foundation developed this survey to gather patient experiences regarding the use of Opdualag™ as a treatment for adult cutaneous melanoma in stage III unresectable or stage IV melanoma. The survey was open to everyone who has received a treatment for melanoma, regardless of stage and experience with Opdualag™; however, data logic has been applied to ensure that only applicable participants answer the questions about Opdualag™. This information was used for Save Your Skin Foundation to prepare submissions for access to Opdualag™ to the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) and Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS).

Two versions of the survey were open from July 3-July 15, 2023, one in English and one in French. Data from both of the surveys was combined for the aforementioned CADTH and INESSS submissions. For this presentation, visual representations of the English results will be accompanied by description of the French data for each question.

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Melanoma on the Leg: Understanding Detection and Prognosis

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer that can occur anywhere on the body. While it often develops in areas exposed to the sun, such as the back, legs, arms, and face, it can also appear in less sun-exposed regions. In this blog post, we will explore the key aspects of melanoma on the leg, including its appearance, detection, and prognosis.

Melanoma on the Leg: What You Need to Know

Location Matters for Melanoma Development

Melanomas most commonly develop in areas that have been exposed to the sun, including the legs. It’s essential to recognize that melanomas can also occur in areas with minimal sun exposure, such as the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, and fingernail beds. These hidden melanomas are more frequently found in people with darker skin.

Early Detection is Crucial

Early detection of melanoma can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment. It’s important to regularly examine your skin for anything new, changing, or unusual, not only on sun-exposed areas but also on sun-protected regions. For women, it’s worth noting that melanomas frequently appear on the legs, while men tend to develop them on the trunk.[1] However, melanomas can arise anywhere on the skin, even in areas not directly exposed to the sun.

Melanoma on leg

Appearance of Melanoma on the Leg

Melanoma on the leg may present and behave differently in different people. Characteristics include:

  • Spots, sores, moles, or bumps on the skin that change in shape, size, or color
  • Red or brown colored scaly skin
  • Skin that oozes, bleeds, swells, or may feel painful, itchy, or tender[2]


Prognosis and Survival

Location plays a crucial role in the prognosis and survival of melanoma patients. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, having melanoma on the arms or legs generally has a better prognosis than having melanoma on the central part of the body, head, or neck.[3]

Early Detection and Awareness Are Key for Melanomas on the Leg

In conclusion, melanoma can affect any part of the body, including the legs. Early detection and awareness of the appearance of melanomas on the leg are vital for increasing the chances of successful treatment. Regular skin self-exams and understanding the different types and locations of melanoma can make a significant difference in achieving a positive prognosis.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional if you notice any unusual skin changes or have concerns about melanoma. Your doctor can provide a proper diagnosis, discuss treatment options, and guide you toward the best course of action for your specific situation.‌

Get Support

Save Your Skin Foundation wishes to bring hope and support to all those touched by melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers, or ocular melanoma – whether they are newly diagnosed, currently undergoing treatment, in remission or referred to as “NED” (no evidence of disease).


We are here to help. Call us at 1-800-460-5832 or email

Learn about other types of skin cancer:

Basal Cell Carcinoma

BCC is the most common cancer in the world, with incidence exceeding that of all other cancers combined. BCC can develop anywhere, though it is most commonly found in sun exposed areas.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which begins in the keratinocyte cells, is the second most common skin cancer. While SCC usually develops in areas that have been exposed to the sun, it can also manifest in burn or wound sites.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC) is a rare non-melanoma skin cancer. It can develop in the merkel cells, which are found in the deepest areas of the epidermis and hair follicles.

[1] “Melanoma Warning Signs and Images.” The Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 May 2023, Accessed October 24, 2023.

[2] “Skin Cancer on Leg: Appearance and More.” Medical News Today, 17 Apr. 2023, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

[3] Lee, Sid. “Prognosis and Survival for Melanoma Skin Cancer.” Canadian Cancer Society, 2015, Accessed 24 Oct. 2023.

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Is Skin Cancer Dangerous? Understanding the Risks and Prognosis

Skin cancer is a prevalent and potentially life-threatening disease that affects millions of people each year. The question often arises: “Is skin cancer dangerous?” To address this concern, we’ll explore the various types of skin cancer and their potential risks and prognosis.


Melanoma is one of the most serious forms of skin cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society estimates that it caused 1,200 deaths in Canada in 2022. The outlook for individuals with melanoma can vary significantly. Most melanomas can be cured if detected and treated before they have a chance to spread. Early detection and removal of melanoma are essential for a full recovery.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers:

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC):

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, BCC is the most common form of skin cancer, affecting 50,000-60,000 Canadians every year[1]. BCC is generally considered less dangerous than melanoma. However, if not detected and treated early, it can become locally destructive and, in rare instances, metastasize.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC):

SCC is the second most common form of skin cancer, with an estimated 20,000 cases diagnosed each year in the Canada[2]. Like BCC, SCC can be locally destructive and sometimes metastasize if not detected and treated early.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC):

MCC is a relatively rare but highly aggressive skin cancer. MCCs are at high risk of recurring and metastasizing, emphasizing the critical importance of early detection and treatment.

Prognostic Factors

The prognosis and survival rates for skin cancer are influenced by several factors, as outlined by the Canadian Cancer Society:

Location: Skin cancer on certain areas, such as around the eyes, nose, lips, ears, scalp, fingers, toes, and genitals, may have a higher risk of recurrence or metastasis.

Size and Depth: Larger tumors and those that have grown deep into the skin are more likely to come back.

Recurrence: Skin cancer that returns after treatment may have a less favorable prognosis.

Type or Subtype: Some subtypes of BCC and SCC tend to grow more quickly and have different outcomes.

Immunosuppression: Weakened immune systems can impact the prognosis.

Stage: The stage at diagnosis is a significant determinant of prognosis.

Outlook for Skin Cancer In general, the outlook for skin cancer is positive. The 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99% if detected and treated before it spreads to the lymph nodes, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. For BCC and SCC, the outlook is favorable, especially when diagnosed early. However, as skin cancer advances, the prognosis may vary. In conclusion, most skin cancers are curable, especially when detected and treated in their early stages. Early detection, regular check-ups with a dermatologist, and prompt treatment are essential in ensuring a positive outcome. While skin cancer can be a serious diagnosis, advances in medical treatments offer hope and optimism for those affected by this condition. If you have concerns about your specific case, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on your prognosis and treatment options.

In summary, in answering the question “is skin cancer dangerous?” one must consider various elements such as the type, stage, and other prognostic factors. Melanoma is considered the most dangerous of the common skin cancers, while BCC and SCC can also pose significant risks if not detected and treated promptly. Understanding these risks and working with a healthcare provider to assess prognosis based on individual factors are essential steps in managing and treating skin cancer. Early detection remains the key to improving the prognosis and ensuring a better outcome.

Get Support

Save Your Skin Foundation wishes to bring hope and support to all those touched by melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers, or ocular melanoma – whether they are newly diagnosed, currently undergoing treatment, in remission or referred to as “NED” (no evidence of disease).


We are here to help. Call us at 1-800-460-5832 or email

Learn About Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a drug treatment that uses the human body’s own immune system to fight cancer.  It may be administered to patients intravenously in the Chemotherapy Unit of the hospital, but it is not the same as chemotherapy.

Learn About Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy drugs are designed to specifically target cancer cells. For melanoma, these drugs target the activity of a specific or unique feature of melanoma cancer cells.

Learn About Clinical Trials

New treatments are tested in clinical trials before they are approved for general use. There are safeguards in place to ensure clinical trials are as safe as possible and meet medical ethical standards. Participating in a trial can be a way to have access to potentially helpful new therapies you couldn’t get otherwise.

[1] “Basal Cell Carcinoma.” Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation, 26 Mar. 2020, Accessed 20 Oct. 2023.

[2] “Squamous Cell Carcinoma.” Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation, 26 Mar. 2020, Accessed 20 Oct. 2023.

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Is Skin Cancer Curable?

Skin cancer is a prevalent form of cancer that affects millions of people worldwide. In Canada, about 80,000 people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year.[1] Skin cancer encompasses various types, with the most common being basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with skin cancer, you may be wondering “is skin cancer curable?” The outlook for individuals with skin cancer depends on several factors, including early detection, type, stage, and treatment. Let’s explore what the experts have to say.


Early Detection is Key

According to the Cleveland Clinic, nearly all skin cancers can be cured if they’re treated before they have a chance to spread. This emphasizes the crucial role of early detection. The earlier skin cancer is found and removed, the better the chances of a full recovery. It’s essential to schedule regular check-ups with a dermatologist to ensure that any potential issues are identified promptly. If you notice something unusual on your skin, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.


Types of Skin Cancer

As noted by the Cancer Research UK, different types of skin cancer have varying prognoses:


Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

BCC is highly curable, with an extremely low likelihood of spreading to other parts of the body. Most cases can be treated effectively by removing the cancerous tissue along with a small margin of surrounding healthy skin.


Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

SCC is also typically curable, with a high success rate in treatment. In some instances where SCC has spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, it may still be curable through appropriate treatment such as surgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or cryotherapy.[2]



Early stage melanoma is often curable through surgery.[3] Among the surgical techniques available for melanoma, wide excision is commonly recommended. This procedure involves the complete removal of the cancerous tissue. More advanced melanoma will often require additional forms of treatment, such a s lymph node dissections, immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

Prognostic Factors

The prognosis for non-melanoma skin cancers is generally excellent, but various factors can influence the outcome, as explained by the Canadian Cancer Society. These factors include:

Location: Skin cancer on certain areas, such as around the eyes, nose, lips, ears, scalp, fingers, toes, and genitals, may have a higher risk of recurrence or metastasis.

Size and Depth: Larger tumors and those that have grown deep into the skin are more likely to come back.

Recurrence: Skin cancer that returns after treatment may have a less favorable prognosis.

Type or Subtype: Some subtypes of BCC and SCC tend to grow more quickly and have different outcomes.

Immunosuppression: Weakened immune systems can impact the prognosis.

Stage: The stage at diagnosis is a significant determinant of prognosis.

Outlook for Skin Cancer In general, the outlook for skin cancer is positive. The 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99% if detected and treated before it spreads to the lymph nodes, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. For BCC and SCC, the outlook is favorable, especially when diagnosed early. However, as skin cancer advances, the prognosis may vary. In conclusion, most skin cancers are curable, especially when detected and treated in their early stages. Early detection, regular check-ups with a dermatologist, and prompt treatment are essential in ensuring a positive outcome. While skin cancer can be a serious diagnosis, advances in medical treatments offer hope and optimism for those affected by this condition. If you have concerns about your specific case, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on your prognosis and treatment options.

Is Skin Cancer Curable?

In general, the outlook for skin cancer is positive. The 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99% if detected and treated before it spreads to the lymph nodes, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. For BCC and SCC, the outlook is favorable, especially when diagnosed early. However, as skin cancer advances, the prognosis may vary.

In conclusion, most skin cancers are curable, especially when detected and treated in their early stages. Early detection, regular check-ups with a dermatologist, and prompt treatment are essential in ensuring a positive outcome. While skin cancer can be a serious diagnosis, advances in medical treatments offer hope and optimism for those affected by this condition.

Please remember that the statistics and opinions cited on this page are general, and do not apply to every person’s experience of skin cancer. And if you have concerns about your specific case, consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance on your prognosis and treatment options.

Get Support

Save Your Skin Foundation wishes to bring hope and support to all those touched by melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers, or ocular melanoma – whether they are newly diagnosed, currently undergoing treatment, in remission or referred to as “NED” (no evidence of disease).


We are here to help. Call us at 1-800-460-5832 or email

Learn More About Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is a drug treatment that uses the human body’s own immune system to fight cancer.  It may be administered to patients intravenously in the Chemotherapy Unit of the hospital, but it is not the same as chemotherapy.

Learn More About Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy drugs are designed to specifically target cancer cells. For melanoma, these drugs target the activity of a specific or unique feature of melanoma cancer cells.

Learn More About Clinical Trials

New treatments are tested in clinical trials before they are approved for general use. There are safeguards in place to ensure clinical trials are as safe as possible and meet medical ethical standards. Participating in a trial can be a way to have access to potentially helpful new therapies you couldn’t get otherwise.

[1] “Skin Cancer.” Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation, Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.

[2] “Is Skin Cancer Curable.” Medical News Today, Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.

[3] “Melanoma Overview.” Skin Cancer Foundation, Accessed 9 Oct. 2023.

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Sty-Lives Can Save Lives: A Conversation with Iveta Voll

Note: this post was authored by Taylor Tomko, Director of Special Projects at SYSF

This month, we are continuing to recruit hairstylists and barbers for our Sty-Lives initiative! Sty-Lives empowers hairdressers to be able to detect suspicious skin lesions on the ears, face and scalp of their clients, facilitating communication between the client and their healthcare provider and leading to earlier detection of potentially dangerous skin cancers. We were recently reminded of the importance of checking the scalp through our community member, Iveta Voll, who unfortunately lost her husband, Steve, in November 2022 to melanoma that initially manifested on his scalp. Recently, I had a call with Iveta, in which we discussed her and Steve’s experience with melanoma and the importance of programs like Sty-Lives.

In November 2019, Steve discovered a scab-like growth on his scalp that he had not previously noticed due to its location. The spot at this point of discovery was already black and large, about the size of a two-dollar coin. After his dermatologist took a biopsy, the spot came back as melanoma that was too deep to be surgically removed. The melanoma had already moved into his lungs, making it stage 4. Steve was immediately referred to a hospital oncologist, and soon began receiving targeted pill therapy to which he had a dramatically positive response. By his next CT scan three months later, all of Steve’s melanoma lesions had vanished. Unfortunately, this treatment does not have a long duration of response, and it only worked for Steve for 14 months.

Once Steve’s melanoma began to return, he began an immunotherapy treatment, followed by another targeted pill therapy, neither of which had positive results. At this point, it was spring 2022. Steve and Iveta were devastated, as the only option left for Steve was a drug trial, hopefully at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. After about a month or so of excruciating waiting, Steve was enrolled in a phase I drug trial, which began just after Thanksgiving 2022. However, this trial meant that Iveta and Steve would have to relocate from Kitchener to Toronto while Steve received the drug. Travelling in four-day cycles between Kitchener and Toronto was challenging for Steve, who had begun to have difficulties catching his breath and an elevated heart rate. A special CT scan showed that he had developed blood clots in his lungs from the cancer. Soon afterwards, it was discovered that Steve’s melanoma had metastasized from his lungs to his liver and was growing very rapidly.

At this point, Steve was told that he unfortunately could not continue in this trial due to the extremely fast-growingmelanoma in his liver. Feeling like they were now truly out of options, Iveta and Steve returned home and updated their local oncologist. It was now early November 2022. At this appointment, Steve was given the devastating prognosis of weeks to months. At the end of that same week, Steve woke up struggling to breathe and his heart rate was extremely high. Iveta called an ambulance, and Steve was admitted to the hospital with a fever, which was likely related to the liver metastasis. Steve stayed in the hospital for five days, spending much time with Iveta, their son, Aaron, and his immediate family. Little did they know that the prognosis of weeks to months would turn out to be just seven short days later; Steve passed away very suddenly on November 8th, 2022 in the hospital surrounded by his loved ones. He and Iveta had been married for 27 years.

Since Steve’s passing, Iveta has started volunteering and is eager to get involved with melanoma-related causes. She, like many of us who have been touched by cancer, wants to ensure that others don’t go through the same painful experience as them. Because Steve’s melanoma appeared on his scalp, she is especially passionate about the Sty-Lives initiative. “Skin cancer is so preventable, and hairdressers can save lives, there’s no doubt about it,” Iveta says, “people visit a hairdresser more often than they visit their family doctor.” Iveta and I talked about the Sty-Lives program at length, including how hairdressers can take on responsibility by having Sty-Lives training, how they can move past any feelings of awkwardness, and how visitors to hair salons can encourage their stylists to get involved. Importantly, as Iveta and I discussed, we are not encouraging hairstylists to try to be doctors or to try to diagnose. Simply alerting their clients of any questionable moles they see on their scalp is sufficient. As Iveta said, “just mention to your client that there’s a suspicious mole(s) on their scalp that they may want to get checked out by a doctor. That’s it. You don’t have to say [whether you] think it’s cancerous or not. Let the client go off and get it explored.”

I raised the question to Iveta about stylists who, for whatever reason, might feel uncomfortable bringing up a mole to their clients. Iveta indicated that the picture is bigger than that, as a hairdresser speaking up could potentially be lifesaving. “I don’t think people are going to get upset if you tell them about a questionable mole or a lesion… I think ninety-nine percent of people would be so thankful,” adding that “it’s better to say more than less.” Hairdressers are, of course, also welcome to ask their clients if they are interested in a mole check at the beginning of the service, to get a sense of whether certain clients will be receptive to it. Iveta asserted that she would certainly be pleased if a hairdresser suggested a mole check during an appointment: “I think if my hairdresser [asked to check my scalp for moles] I would be so impressed. I would give them an extra tip!”

Iveta also brought up the possibility, as citizens who are aware of melanoma, of being proactive with our hairstylists. In addition to mentioning the Sty-Lives initiative to our hairdressers, we can also ask them to keep an eye out for scalp moles during our appointments. “Ask your hairdresser—don’t wait for them,” Iveta suggested, adding that “once that customer asks their hairdresser to check their scalp, guess what? That hairdresser might start doing it for others.” Spreading the word this way, even if hairstylists don’t sign up for the Sty-Lives program, is still extremely beneficial. As Iveta points out, “it’s an issue of awareness, as most people don’t know they can get deadly skin cancer on their scalp.”

Iveta and I finished off our discussion by talking about how to get our own hairstylists involved. If you are reading this and considering mentioning the program to your hairdresser, we encourage you to do so! If they are interested, you can send their contact information to a member of the SYSF team and we will do the rest. We are also currently running the #HairHeroes challenge, where stylists can submit photos or videos of them performing a skin check to be shared on social media. Thank you all for reading and thank you so much to Iveta for her time, thoughts, and support.

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ASCO 2023 Data Report

Earlier this summer, Save Your Skin was fortunate enough to attend the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, in order to hear the latest data from melanoma clinical trials. We are pleased to present the highlights from these exciting studies in our annual ASCO report, which this year includes data from trials relating to melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC), and uveal (ocular) melanoma. Please keep in mind that ASCO is an international association, and therefore studies outlined in this report are not exclusive to Canada.

This report includes:

  • Trial updates related to melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC), and uveal (ocular) melanoma
  • A glossary of abbreviations used in the report
  • A selection of melanoma-related news articles from the summer for supplemental reading

You can read the report here or by clicking on the cover image below. Thank you for reading!

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8th Annual Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit

Are you ready to be a part of a groundbreaking event that brings together patients, caregivers, and healthcare stakeholders from across the country? The 8th Annual Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit is here! Mark your calendars for the week of Nov. 13 and get ready to be inspired, educated, and empowered to shape the future of healthcare in Canada.

This annual patient education and awareness Summit is a collaborative effort between two organizations – Save Your Skin Foundation and the Canadian Psoriasis Network, in conjunction with an Indigenous volunteer from Kiyasiw Consulting. Together, they are committed to elevating the voices of patients and caregivers, amplifying their experiences, and addressing long-standing systemic issues related to equity and oppression in our health systems.

What to Expect:

The Summit promises an exciting lineup of community leaders, advocates, and experts who will engage in insightful discussions about the challenges faced in meeting people where they are at, highlighting Indigenous health needs, and exploring opportunities to modernize healthcare to meet the needs of all Canadians.

The Schedule:

  1. Nov. 13 – Challenges to Meeting People Where They’re At
    • Time: 11 AM – 4 PM EST
  2. Nov. 15 – Highlighting Indigenous Health Needs
    • Time: 12 PM – 4 PM EST
  3. Nov. 16 – Opportunities to Modernize Health Care to Meet the Needs of All
    • Time: 12 PM – 4 PM EST
  4. Nov. 17 – Patient Planning Session (restricted to patients/caregivers and related groups)
    • Time: 12 PM – 1:30 PM EST

Why Attend:

This summit is a unique opportunity to engage in open dialogue, gain valuable insights, and contribute to the transformation of the Canadian healthcare system. It’s a chance for patients, caregivers, and healthcare stakeholders to come together, share their stories, and collectively find ways to create a more inclusive and patient-centric healthcare environment.

By attending the summit, you will:

  1. Learn about the challenges faced by patients and caregivers in accessing healthcare services.
  2. Understand the unique healthcare needs of Indigenous communities and how to address them effectively.
  3. Discover opportunities to modernize healthcare and make it more accessible and inclusive.
  4. Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to making a positive impact on Canadian healthcare.

Check out some of our content from last year’s Summit!

Ready to Register?

We’re thrilled to have you join us at the 8th Annual Patients Redefining the Future of Health Care in Canada Summit. Registration is now open, and you can secure your spot by clicking the link here!

Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to be a part of a movement that aims to reshape the future of healthcare in Canada. Let’s work together to create a healthcare system that meets the needs of all patients, regardless of their background or circumstances.

We look forward to seeing you at the Summit!

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Monthly Patient Fireside Chats – Survivorship

5pm – 6:30pm PT | 8pm – 9:30pm ET

This year, we’re taking our monthly patient support chats in a new direction!

What’s new?

Our monthly chats are attended by a small standing group of core hosts, including SYSF Founder Kathy Barnard and fellow survivors, who take turns leading the group in a themed topic each month, allowing plenty of time for questions and discussion.

This month’s theme:

This month we’ll be celebrating survivorship and sharing stories of triumph. During this Fireside Chat we’re talking about celebrating cancer survivorship in honour of National Cancer Survivors Day in June with host Rob Stauffer who’s a melanoma survivor from Alberta, Canada.
Come learn and share with other patients and caregivers.
This month’s host:

Rob Stauffer, melanoma survivor, AB

Register Now


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Virtual Trivia Night

4pm – 5:30pm PT | 7pm – 8:30pm ET

As part of Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we’re hosting a Virtual Trivia Night to celebrate and bring together patients, caregivers, health care providers, and advocates.

This event is an opportunity for us to come together, have some fun, and celebrate our shared dedication to the fight against skin cancer, melanoma, and ocular melanoma. It’s a chance to connect with others in the community, put your knowledge to the test, and win some great prizes.

Register as an individual. We will assign the teams, but will keep family/friends together as much as possible. Single players welcome! Tickets are $10 per person.

Prizes will be awarded to the top teams!

Register here 

The Trivia Night will take place virtually on Zoom. It will be hosted by SYSF staff and will include 8 rounds on different topics and will require participation from each registrant. The host will ask questions to each team alternately and teams will be given a bit of time to discuss before submitting their final answer.

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Meet The New Canadian UPF 50+ Protective Beachwear Line – KRABĒO

About The Founder of KRABĒO

In November 2021, I was told for the second time that I had cancer. This is not something one gets used to hearing, and at that moment I felt like another bomb went off in my life and my husband’s.

This diagnoses was followed by a series of tests that started from the end of November up to the 2021 holiday season. The reason for this was to gain an understanding of this possible recurrence all these years later.

Over 17 years ago, I had a beauty mark on my back that itched like a mosquito bite, which I thought was odd. That was back when tanning salons were a trend and I would visit them several times a week to do something about my “milky white” complexion. At this time, I felt I needed those sessions to look more “healthy”. I even had a membership at a local tanning salon! One day, just before settling in for a session, I discussed my beauty mark with the owner who urged me to get it checked out, which I did a few weeks later.

In creating KRABĒO, I find myself with peace of mind. Peace of mind for myself, my family and for you.

Marie-Ève Richard

I was 24 when it first happened and honestly, I felt I was above it until a lymph node surfaced in September 2021. It was then that I noticed a small lump in my right groin that many doctors thought was harmless, but I had a feeling that it was not benign.

I had to persist with the healthcare system to go further and do more tests in order to find out what was wrong. When you have a feeling that something is wrong, you need to advocate for yourself & ask questions. In my case, I was indeed wrong. The doctors discovered after an ultrasound that it was melanoma. This was quite a shock & a return to square one.

I hesitated to tell my story when all of this happened, even to my kids, but I would come to understand the importance of sharing one’s life experiences. No matter if it’s good or bad because doing so can help others.

My story may be your story too! It made me realize the great lack of resources and knowledge about this disease and how to adequately protect myself from the sun. It’s because of what I went through that I decided to help the people around me and the population by developing a line of UV-protective beachwear. Our beachwear is certified and recognized by the highest world standards of sun protection and it covers 98% of UVA and UVB rays. KRABĒO was born from this desire and is made entirely made in Quebec with love. Now, whenever I see my clothing worn by people from all walks of life, including children, my heart swells at the idea that I was able to do my part in the fight against this preventable cancer that has cases increasing with each passing year.

In creating KRABĒO, I find myself with peace of mind. Peace of mind for myself, my family and for you.


At KRABĒO, we believe that the sun, the water and the beach are together a source of well-being. To take full advantage of it all, one thing is essential: sun protection. We love to enjoy the sun. The benefits it brings to our lives are of course impossible to ignore. We tend, however, to forget the risks related to UV rays.

We can’t say it enough: ultraviolet rays from the sun lead to premature ageing, the appearance of skin blemishes, as well as skin cancer, which represents a full third of the most widespread cancers in the world.
For us, skin protection in all of its aspects lies at the very centre of every one of our decisions; indeed, it is our guiding principle.

Our laboratory-tested fabrics are certified UPF 50+ and block 98% of UVA and UVB rays, without any toxic products involved, neither for the skin nor for the planet.

They have been carefully chosen to meet two criteria: protecting our skin and preserving the oceans.

KRABĒO has generously offered a special 10% discount to all Save Your Skin Foundation newsletter subscribers. The code will be available in our May newsletter so hurry up and subscribe if you haven’t already!

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Their dedication to the cause

KRABĒO is committed to helping others. That’s why the KRABĒO community lends its hand to those suffering from skin cancer by supporting the Save Your Skin Foundation and donating a portion of its profits to the cause!

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