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SHINe Youth Advisory Board

How to Join:

If you're passionate about making a difference in the fight against skin cancer and melanoma, we invite you to join the SHINe  Youth Advisory Board! To apply or learn more about this exciting opportunity, please contact us or fill out our online application form.




Already a Member?

Save Your Skin Foundation is committed to ensuring equal, timely, affordable, and appropriate access to skin cancer treatment for all Canadians, by engaging in public and private industry, health policy, and systemic treatment access issues with cancer agencies, government, and drug-approval bodies across the country.


We believe that collaboration among diverse voices is essential in addressing this pressing issue, which is why we're thrilled to introduce our newest initiative: the Skin Health Innovation Network (SHINe) Youth Advisory Board.

What is the Skin Health Innovation Network Youth Advisory Board? 

The SHINe Youth Advisory Board is a unique opportunity for medical students, aspiring doctors, volunteers, and other passionate individuals to come together and collaborate on initiatives aimed at raising awareness about melanomas & skin cancers. This board serves as a platform for students to contribute their ideas, expertise, and resources towards making a tangible difference in the fight against these diseases.


Purpose and Impact:

  • Empowering the Next Generation: SHINe empowers young individuals to take an active role in combating melanomas & skin cancers. By providing a platform for collaboration and innovation, we aim to inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals to become leaders in skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.

  • Raising Awareness: Through various projects and campaigns, the SHINe works to raise awareness about the importance of sun safety, early detection, and regular skin checks. By educating communities and promoting healthy behaviours, we strive to reduce the incidence and impact of skin cancer and melanoma.

  • Collaboration in SYSF Initiatives:  SHINe fosters a collaborative environment where members actively participate in the planning, development, and execution of initiatives aimed at combating skin cancer and melanoma. Through regular meetings, workshops, and online forums, members engage in brainstorming sessions, share ideas, and leverage each other's strengths to maximize the impact of their efforts.

Resource Sharing: SHINe  facilitates resource sharing among its members, enabling the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and best practices in the fight against skin cancer and melanoma. Members have access to a wide range of resources, including educational materials, research findings, and tools for community outreach. By leveraging the collective wisdom and experiences of its members, we ensure that resources are utilized effectively and efficiently to achieve shared goals.

Young Academic Girl
Smiling Student in Lecture
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