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Natalie's Story: From Patient to Advocate

Every so often, we’re able to be part of a story so remarkable that we absolutely need to share it. Today, we’re excited to tell you all about the inspiring journey of Natalie Allan, a dedicated Save Your Skin community member turned former staff member. 

Natalie’s story begins, as many of ours do, with a love of the sun coupled with an unawareness of sun safety. At 37, while accompanying one of her daughters to a medical appointment, her daughter urged her to have a mole on her hip checked. Although Natalie had this mole since birth, it had recently changed in size and became itchy. Following its removal and testing, Natalie’s world was upended when she was diagnosed with melanoma.

The melanoma had already spread to her lymphatic system, but she was also diagnosed with a highly curable form of thyroid cancer—some welcome news amid the turmoil. However despite her melanoma prognosis, which offered her only a 26% chance of survival without treatment and a 28% chance with the available options, Natalie’s resolve remained unshaken. She was determined to fight on, driven by hope and the rapidly advancing research in cancer treatment.

Natalie chose to participate in a drug trial for an emerging treatment in the hopes that it would slow down or stop the progression of her melanoma. After a nerve-wracking wait, she received the life-changing news that she had been accepted into the trial. This marked the beginning of a challenging 20-month treatment journey. Midway through, she was thrilled to learn that her scans showed NED (No Evidence of Disease), a significant milestone that fueled her optimism. Despite a high likelihood of recurrence, her routine tests continue to come back clean almost 10 years later.

Throughout her battle, Natalie sought out organizations that could offer support and found Save Your Skin Foundation. Our community provided her with assistance and support, and once she reached NED status, we were happy to welcome her onto the staff team, where she eventually became our  Managing Director. We were privileged to work alongside her for many years and even witnessed her meet her husband, Mike. Both had previously faced advanced-stage melanoma and defied the odds through clinical trials.

Natalie and Mike first crossed paths in March 2016 during a Patient Awareness Project. Their shared experiences of overcoming advanced melanoma formed a strong bond between them. Over time, their friendship blossomed into a relationship. Natalie moved from Ontario to Prince George, BC, to be with Mike as her daughters began their post-secondary studies in Toronto. In 2024, they celebrated their union with a wedding and now enjoy their life together in British Columbia. They spend their time panning for gold, camping, hiking, and exploring new countries.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Natalie for sharing her extraordinary story and for being a cherished member of our community. Her journey embodies the strength and hope that inspires us all.

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