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Patient Advocacy

Patient Advocacy is Patient Representation


We urgently need your help. Now is a critical time to push for provincial and federal support for equal timely access to new treatments for all Canadian melanoma patients, ocular melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancer patients.

Advocacy is a process by an individual or group aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems. Advocacy can include many activities, including: media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and publishing research, or government relations and meetings. If you’d like a general overview of patient advocacy, you can also download our  advocacy outline.

​We urge you to consider writing to your Federal Health Minister and to your local government representatives to convey a request for support. We have also included this letter as a download below.  as well as links to appropriate government contacts below, making it easy to find out who your provincial and federal representatives are.

To help us in the fight for Canadians affected by melanoma, ocular melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancers, please look through the resources on this page and get involved in the ways that make the most sense for you. We appreciate your support!

Get involved! Save Your Skin Foundation has assembled materials to assist in the following:

1. Write to your Members of Parliament to share your thoughts or to request a meeting – contact your local elected officials

2. Write to your MLA/MPP asking that he/she write to the Minister of Health (click here to download sample letter)

3. Prepare for and have a meeting with your MLA (talking points and fact sheet)

4. Email or phone us to report the results of your MLA meeting

5. Write a letter for your MLA to send to the Minister of Health

6. Write to your provincial Ministers of Health, listed below

7. Write to the Minister of Health: Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

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Health Ministers by Province/Territory:

Nova Scotia: Hon. Michelle Thompson 

New Brunswick: Hon. Dorothy Shephard 

Prince Edward Island: Hon. Marc V. McLane 

Newfoundland and Labrador: Hon. Tom Osborne 

Quebec: Hon. Christian Dubé 

Ontario: Hon. Sylvia Jones 

Manitoba: Hon. Audrey Gordon 

Saskatchewan: Hon. Paul Merriman 

Alberta: Hon. Jason Copping 

British Columbia: Hon. Adrian Dix

Yukon Territory: Tracy-Anne McPhee 

Northwest Territory: Hon. Julie Green 

Nunavut: Hon. John Main 

Canada: Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos 

Additional Resources 

Together, we can make a difference. 

Making awareness and education available is crucial. Since 2006, the Foundation has worked to raise awareness of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers focusing on education, prevention and the need for improved patient care.

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