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After Diagnosis

Have you been told you have Skin Cancer or Melanoma?

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is never easy.  Arming yourself with information may help you feel more in control of the situation.  Save Your Skin Foundation wishes to bring hope and support to all those newly diagnosed, currently undergoing treatment, or to those in remission. We invite all ocular melanoma, melanoma, and non-melanoma skin cancer patients, at any stage, to get in touch.





Plenty of resources are listed below, but you can always get in touch with us directly as well.


You can reach us at

1-800-460-5832 or
Download our 'Questions to Ask your Doctor' reference sheet
Arm Around Shoulder

NOTE: The information on the Save Your Skin website is not intended to replace the medical advice of a doctor or healthcare provider. While we make every effort to ensure that the information on our site is as current as possible, please note that information and statistics are subject to change as new research and studies are published.

100% of Donations go to Patients

Making awareness and education available is crucial. Since 2006, the Foundation has worked to raise awareness of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers focusing on education, prevention and the need for improved patient care.

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